Sunday, December 9, 2012

Memories of Christmases’ Past

    I suspect that many of my favorite memories of Christmases’ past are similar to yours. We may tell our age but do you remember when?
   A dollar would buy four gifts; package of razor blades for dad, a comb for mom, package of bobby pins for sister and rubber ball for brother.
   What about a carol sing throughout your community especially to the local senior’s home?
   Did you go to a Christmas Eve Candle Light Service with carols and readings and a Christmas message?
   Did your parents allow you into the Christmas tree room before breakfast; not mine! We had to have breakfast first and then my family would all share in reading the Christmas Story from the Bible and only then were we allowed into the Christmas tree room.
   Did you hang a Christmas stocking? We did! Oh it wasn’t made of felt with fancy lettering it was an old (but clean) grey woolen work sock but it was surprising how much it would hold. Always in the very toe of the sock was a big orange!
   How many of you remember the Sunday School Christmas concerts held in the church or community hall? There were lots of carols, a brightly decorated tree at the front, skits and of course Santa always paid a visit.
   Do you recall the Christmas dinner table with family members gathered around? The turkey and trimmings were delicious and there was always enough left over for a meal the next day, sandwiches after that but when you saw the soup you knew that the turkey had finally disappeared.
   Christmas day afternoon was always exciting as we shared with our neighborhood friends what we received for Christmas.
   We all have our favorite memories but they won’t all be the same. I am thankful that my mom, dad, brothers and sisters always made Christmas a very special time for me and that I am blessed with wonderful memories of Christmases’ past. I hope that our three girls will have precious memories of Christmases’ past as well and that they will pass some of the traditions on to their children. Always remember that how we live our life today will be a memory for someone tomorrow and not just at Christmas time but throughout the year. May God bless us all with a desire to leave good memories for others to cherish.