“Pease daddy, take my hand cause I can’t see
the car.” Those were the words of my five year old daughter as we made our way
back to the family car. We had been out in the country for the day and well
into the evening. By the time we left our friend’s house it was dark. There
were no streetlights and the lights from the house only shone a short distance.
There was just my daughter and myself. Talk about walking blindfolded! I was
certain I knew where I had left the car and we started to make our way in that
general direction. It was then that I heard that little voice beside me;
“Please daddy, take my hand cause I can’t see the car.” I took her by the hand
and we made our way safely to the car. Those words “take my hand” have remained
with me for the past 25 years. It was a gentle plea that was both courteous and
at the same time spoke of dependence.
Looking out onto a New Year we may not be
certain of what lies before us. We hope for good times and we hope for safe
times. We also know that there might very well be times when we will have to
walk completely by faith one step at a time. Let’s begin our walk into 2013 by
expressing the same sentiment expressed by my daughter only this time we are
looking to God as we say; “Please Lord, take my hand because I’m not certain
what lies before me,”
May the good Lord bless you in the year