Sunday, November 11, 2012


   I would like to share with you our experience of a trip that Jill and I have recently completed. It was a journey that I never thought we would take. We visited South Africa! I’m not one who enjoys flying so to board a plane for an 18 hour journey was quite an accomplishment. So what led us to make such a lengthy journey? It all started about three years ago.
   He was a new worshipper in our church. He had just moved to Bermuda from South Africa. He would be spending the next 18 months in Bermuda furthering his experience in the world of finance. Every Sunday morning he would be seated in the same pew with his Bible in hand. In coming weeks he began to attend our Sunday morning Bible Studies as well as other fellowship functions within our church. Jill and I invited him to our home for lunch and there began a friendship that will last forever. His name is Stephanus Louw and over the period of time he spent in Bermuda he became not only a good friend but our adopted son! Friday nights became fun nights when Stephanus would join us for dinner following which he would share with us what life was like in South Africa. Not only was our adopted son a certified financial accountant but one whose dream was to further his studies in theology so that he might better serve his Lord. Stephanus, during his stay in Bermuda conducted a worship service for me plus he led our Adult Bible Study. Time passed very quickly and before one realized it he was preparing to return to his home and to his parents, his sister and his sweetheart in South Africa. It was difficult driving him to the airport and tears were in all our eyes. Would this be the last time we would see him? He invited us to visit him but we thought that because South Africa was so far away that we would never be able to make the trip.
   God makes what we think of as impossible to be possible. Exactly, a year and a half after he left Jill and I found ourselves boarding a plane for what proved to be an 18 hour journey. We met the parents of our adopted son and quickly realized the source of all of his marvelous qualities. For the following two weeks we toured South Africa with our extended family. We visited Cape Town, George, Stellenbosch and all points in between. On Sunday we went to church with our new family. The service for the most part was in Afrikaans which we did not understand but when it came to singing the last hymn we lifted our voices in praise and joined with all our new friends in singing; “What a Friend We Have in Jesus; they in Afrikaans Jill and I in English. We met and became very good friends with the ministers in Stephanus’s home church. Once again time passes quickly and before you know it we were boarding for our flight home. However, there was one side trip which we made before returning across the Atlantic. We visited the beautiful country of Botswana where we saw and experienced so many beautiful sights.
   Home again and very thankful for safe journeys we enjoy looking at all our pictures and reliving many of our fascinating experiences. We want to share some of those pictures with you and so invite you to look at our picture album entitled; “Our Trip to Africa.,” located on the home page of our church’s web site.

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